About Us

From a lifetime of collecting grew Lava Creek Trading Company…

We have been privileged and grateful to have been exposed to some wonderful hunting and fishing collectibles over the years. We have met many, many collectors and have shared our mutual experiences, ideas and knowledge. We hope you enjoy what we have to offer in our fine, unique items of sporting collectibles. If there are specific items on your wish list, let us know we may be able to find them for you. If you have sporting collectibles to sell, we may also be interested. We hope you enjoy our “stuff”!!

About Hugh

Hugh has been an ardent fisherman and outdoorsman all his life. Born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and raised in Virginia, his love for fishing began at a young age when he learned to fish ponds on his grandfather’s farm. His grandfather also introduced him to salt-water fishing in Florida on its coast and inland waters. When Hugh moved West after college he met his wife, Jeanne, and they learned the sport of flyfishing together. They traveled and flyfished throughout the western States enjoying its many lakes, rivers and streams. They continued to do so upon the arrival of their two children. With their children joining in, flyfishing became their family sport.

Since being on the West Coast, Hugh has grown to love, enjoy and most of all appreciate the San Francisco Bay and the California coastal waters. He is an experienced angler for salmon, sturgeon, halibut and other species in these fine waters. In addition, he especially loves flyfishing for stripped bass on the Bay and introducing others to it.

Hugh has fished all over the world in places that have included Australia, Russia, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Belize, Mexico, Canada, Alaska, Tanzania, and England. On his numerous flyfishing trips he has caught and released many species of the world’s game fishes.

Hugh has always been a strong supporter of fishing and wildlife conservation and has memberships in many organizations that support these important causes. He is a life member of: International Game Fish Association; Trout Unlimited; Federation of Fly Fishermen; American Museum of Fly-Fishing; Recreational Fishing Alliance; California Waterfowl Association; Pacific Flyway Decoy Association; Mule Deer Foundation; Boone & Crockett (Life Associate); Safari Club International and Foundation for North American Sheep. With the listed nonprofit organizations pertaining to fishing, he has worked and contributed to their efforts to protect fisheries and protect the rights of all fish anglers to participate in the great sport of recreational fishing – a national treasure. He welcomes this important opportunity to work with the Recreational Fishing Alliance to protect the recreational angler’s rights to fair access to fish that are regulated by State and Federal fish and wildlife agencies.

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